Saturday, December 20, 2008

Got the goods!

Picked up the 70-200 f/2.8L this morning. Snapped a few of the wintery weather at our Apple Tree house on my way home. Very happy with this lens. It's performing like new.

Some images from today -->> CLICK

Friday, December 19, 2008

This article was posted on one of my frequented photography forums. It is by no means a great article and isn't meant for the more technically astute photographer (your author included). But it's a good short read as we head into the holiday season full swing and will be snapping away like crazy.

Holiday Lighting Challenges

In other news I bought another Canon XTi body so I can make my best "Asian Tourist" impersonations when out shooting. And I finally managed to score a good deal on a Canon EF 70-200 f/2.8L and will be picking it up tomorrow. Having rented this lens during the summer I am anxious to add it to my bag. Come to think of it I might need a bigger bag and a better tripod. :rolls eyes: $$$$$ My little way of helping stimulate the economy. ;)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

How diverse are your artistic tastes?

Not as diverse as mine I would guess.

"Uuh! Let me see you shake in your boots! Come back to the old school...back to your roots!"

$20.00 to anyone who can correctly identify where this quote comes from. Hint: it's from a musical piece. And using Google won't identify the correct source.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A nice relaxing weekend and found treasure

So I'm spending the weekend out on Long Island at the GF's parent's place. They have a beach front house with a semi-private beach. I'm fortunate enough to be able to venture out at low tide and snap away.

Found this little critter last night. Never ever thought I'd find one of these on the beach, let alone this large and this far North. I estimate he's a good 6" head to tail stretched out. Have him drying in the sun on the deck right now so I can show him to my 6 year old daughter when I get home.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A great LightRoom resource

For your enjoyment. If you do web design and post galleries of your photos might I recommend Turning Gate for gallery templates and Flash galleries. An acquaintance of mine noted that "the Turning Gate Flash galleries are great because they will size the image in high quality to your viewers screen. I agree! ;)

Turning Gate

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lightroom 2...

As Mooch the cat would say from the Mutts Comic Strip, "yesh!" I love Lightroom 2 and it's ease and flexibility of processing photos from RAW.

I don't even know why I bother shooting jpeg along with RAW any longer. ;)

First time visitors please check out my website with galleries -->> HERE

Today I found myself searching for Lightroom Templates and Presets...way to many on the web to even comprehend. This gal has some links to some decent free Presets HERE.

Monday, September 15, 2008


...and enjoy!

Hi folks, this is just a placeholder for future meanderings regarding my favorite hobby - photography.

For now you can enjoy some of my work at my main website.